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  About Me  
I am a sports enthusiast in my mid-forties.  If you walk into my house you're pretty much guaranteed to find some sort of game on the television.  I am a father to three great kids, two sons and a daughter who all enjoy playing sports.  
I have worked in education, primarily as a teacher for over 19 years.  This work lead me into coaching, which I have been doing in some capacity for the last 14 years.  I have coached boys and girls basketball from the elementary to the varsity level.  Recently I have been coaching youth travel baseball for the past 7 years and have chosen to turn down high school positions because I love working with young kids in sports.  Along the way I have learned that it is impossible to please every player and parent, but I am very proud of the overwhelmingly positive number of relationships I have always maintained with my current and former players and families.  On top of that, I have been blessed to only experience one losing season as a coach, which was in all sincerity one of my favorite teams of all time.
Whether it has been from my own experiences as a coach or what I have seen while watching my kids play, I have decided that I can no longer sit silently without expressing my opinions on many common issues I see with youth sports coaches.  The purpose of this site is not to just be for my own outlet, but to create a forum for others to read, think, learn, share, and discuss their opinions. I hope that somebody might stumble across this site and learn from some of the lessons that I was taught over the years, or some of the things I found out the hard way.  Some of the topics and opinions I discuss may not be popular with those that I coach with or against, they might not even be popular with the parents that I currently coach, but after being involved with sports for over four decades I feel that my way is the big picture approach to youth sports.

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